We buy low
We raise cash flow
We buy commercial properties at least 20% under market value. (Sometimes 40%) This allows immediate profit of 20% to 40%
We raise cash flow, therefore increasing the value of the building which creates another profit.
Conservative example
We buy a $1,000,000. commercial bulding 20% under market value for $800,000,000.
= immediate potential profit $200,000.
If there is a unique market where we cannot find a building 20% under market, then we will need to find one that needs some repairs and our profit could be a less.
We do what we do best: raise cash flow.
The same $1,000,000. building has an existing cash flow of $100,000. per year.
We know we can increase the cash flow, over time, by 10% to $110,000. per year.
If we are using the factor of 10, then the building is now worth $1,100,000!
We sell it for $1,100,000. (We only paid $800,000.)
We have just made a gross profit of $300,000!
Or we could sell the building for $1,000,000. for a quicker sale and have a gross profit of $200,000.
If we have done repairs, it could be more.
How many times can we do the above formula. Many times. This s a very general and simple example.
$1,000,000. is a small building. Imagine what the profit would be on $5,000,000., $10,000,000 or $20,000,000 buildings.
How do we secure the investor's investment?
We secure the investor's investment by commercial real estate. In other words the investor will have share ownership in the commercial real estate which we purchase with his funds.
When we sell that commercial real estate for a profit and acquire another commercial building, then the share ownership moves to the new real estate.
Investment Profits: Rather than an annual return on the investor investments, we prefer that the profits be given to the investor when there is a profit. We feel this is preferred by most investors and gives them more security.
We have chosen very carefully Legal and Accounting specialists, who we feel are the best at their trade.
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